The Theology of the Body for Teens
Help teens learn the teaching of John Paul II’s Theology of the Body.
Catholic Answers
St. Joseph Communications
Chastity Education
The sexual revolution is here
Issues 4 Life
Dedicated to protecting human life from the moment of conception until natural death.
Our Sunday Visitor
Catholic Bible 101
St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology
Dead Theologians Society
Saints of yesterday, inspiring the youth of today
Seeking Answers
Today's Mass Reading
Readings for today's Mass from the USCCB website
Rosary Army
Join the Rosary Army: make them, pray them, and give them away
National Catholic Youth Conference
Catholic Relief Services
Catholic Vote
A faith-based educational program dedicated to informing all Americans about the critical issues in the public policy arena.
Walk for Life West Coast in San Francisco
General prayer resources
Pray the Liturgy of the Hours, the public prayer of the Church (also compare to
Catholic City
The Holy See
The official website for the Vatican
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry
National Association of Catholic Youth Ministry Leaders
Center for Ministry Development
National Evangelization Team (NET Ministries)
Maryknoll Missionaries
Catholic Handbook (Comprehensive about the Catholic Faith)
Answers 4 Catholics (Explains and defends the Catholic Faith)
Magnificat (Prayers and writings of the Church Fathers)
iMissal (Mass readings, calendar, lectionary, etc.)
Versewise (RSV Bible at your fingertips)
iConfess (Confession handbook and guide)
Mass times and church directory
Catholic Calendar
Holy Rosary Deluxe
After the Choice and Rachel's Vineyard
Healing the pain of abortion
Silent No More Awareness Campaign
Seeking to expose and heal the secrecy and silence surrounding the emotional and physical pain of abortion
Catholic Charities of the East Bay
Youth Violence: 510-768-3139
Counseling Services
Alameda County: 510-768-3103
Contra Costa County: 510-825-3099 x310
Catholic New Media and Church in Pop Culture
The David and Craig Show
Is it too hot in Phoenix, Arizona? Or are these youth ministers in Phoenix on fire for the faith?
Follow Pope Benedict on Facebook, YouTube, WikiCath and on your iPhone
Cornerstone Media
Use the music that young people listen to everyday as a tool to spark dialogue about values and relationships
Francesco Productions with Fr. Stan Fortuna, CFR
Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN)
Program schedules, listen live online, library and more
Immaculate Heart Radio
Local Catholic radio on 1260AM
Phat Mass
Catholic Hip-Hop, True to the faith. True to the art form.
Tweet Catholic
The nest of Catholic Twitter