In union with the Universal Church to the call to be Pilgrims of Hope, the Offices of Respect Life-Social Justice and Latino Ministries of the Diocese of Oakland offer a message regarding support of our immigrant communities and people in solidarity.
The pre-application period for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program in Oakland is open Tuesday, January 7 through Sunday, January 26, 2025. Application information and details available through the link.
A 40,000 pound act of mercy for Contra Costa County residents. They may not have been in shiny armor, but the Knights of Columbus Council #4060 from St. Isidore Parish in Danville and their pastor, Father Matthew Murray, made Christmas a little brighter and merrier for 500 families this year, by delivering more than 40,000 pounds of food.
Click through the link to read the Letter to Migrant Families from the California Bishops. Please also visit the linked resource page which has the letter in English, Spanish, Vietnamese and Korean, as well as additional resources.
World Mental Health Day is Oct. 10. Learn more about how the Catholic Church and Catholics are comforting the afflicted, including those impacted by mental health issues.
October is Respect Life Month, this year's theme reminds us that our response to Jesus' words in John 10:10, “I came so that they might have life,” includes respect for all human life. Respect Life Ministry resources available through the link.
Join with "Together in Action" under the Walking with Moms in Need nationwide initiative to end abortion. Bishop Barber invites all to join our prayer communities in Concord, Walnut Creek and El Cerrito from Sept. 25 - Nov. 3, 2024 to stand united in prayer and supportive action to create a culture of life.
Let’s stay fed by Christ to connect to His body according to our individual capacities and gifts. We all need each other. Read about our many programs in the Life & Social Justice Ministry and how you can get involved.
We pray that each one of us will hear and take to heart the cry of the Earth and of victims of natural disasters and climactic change, and that all will undertake to personally care for the world in which we live.
California-based religious organizations, including individual congregations of mosques, synagogues, temples and churches along with regional or state-wide bodies, are invited to sign-on to the following letter. While this letter was delivered to Gov. Newsom's office on September 7, 2023, we invite additional sign-ons for future use of the letter and showing support for the California Mandela Act (AB 280). AB 280 passed off the California Senate Floor on September 13, 2023. It became a two-year bill and Governor Newsom has until this Sept 30, 2024, to act on it. Details and letter through link.
Kiona Medina MFT, Coordinadora de Ministerios de Vida y Justicia Social está ofreciendo un evento HeartShop de 2 horas para las parroquias de la Diócesis de Oakland. Este evento titulado "Un enfoque católico para la curación del trauma y la salud mental: un taller interactivo del corazón. Estas reflexiones interactivas de 2 horas de duración combinan creatividad, fe católica y salud mental. Información e inscripción a través del enlace.
Kiona Medina MFT, Coordinator of Life and Social Just Ministries is offering a HeartShop 2-hour event for parishes in the Diocese of Oakland. This event titled "A Catholic Approach to Trauma Healing and Mental Health: An Interactive Heartshop. These 2-hour long interactive reflections combine creativity, Catholic faith and Mental Health. Information and registration through the link.
Catholic Charities East Bay Immigration Legal Services, in collaboration with other agencies, hosted an Immigration Forum on Saturday, July 27, 2024 at Contra Costa College. The legal team offered free consultations, a Know Your Rights Presentation, and a DACA workshop. Learn more about Catholic Charities through the link.
We pray that political leaders be at the service of their own people, working for integral human development and for the common good, especially caring for the poor and those who have lost their jobs. is approved by the Catholic Conference of Bishops as the statewide hotline serving all
California pro-life organizations including 170+ pregnancy centers. The centers that Options United serves provide essential medical and material support to women in local communities. Read through the link to learn how your assistance in making this life-affirming service known is urgent.