Statement by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Oakland
January 24, 2025
“We Catholics look to Christ Jesus as our ultimate moral authority and guide, prior to any personal preference to a political party.
We welcome actions taken by the new presidential administration in support of the truth of human sexuality, religious freedom, protection of life, and support for the family.
But we are concerned about the extent of threatened “mass deportations”. The Catholic Church teaches nations have a right to secure borders and may set appropriate policies for immigration. Public safety remains a pressing concern for citizens of Oakland, and Alameda and Contra Costa counties. We welcome efforts by the government to protect us.
But should a mother or father be arrested and deported whose only “crime” was to seek a better life for their family in freedom and security? Who work hard? Whose children attend our schools and who are our neighbors, friends and parishioners?
Neither an open border nor mass deportations will solve our immigration problem. What we need, and what the Catholic bishops have been requesting for 20 years, is “comprehensive immigration reform.” It is my hope that our elected officials, both national and local, from all political parties, will work constructively for this purpose.
In the meantime, I join my voice with Archbishop Timothy Broglio, president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishiops, who declared, ‘Our prayer is one of hope that, as a nation blessed with many gifts, our actions demonstrate a genuine care for our most vulnerable sisters and brothers, including the unborn, the poor, the elderly and infirm, and migrants and refugees.’
We in the Diocese of Oakland are prepared to use all our resources to respond and support the most vulnerable among us. We always have and we always will.”