We need your help to say “NO” to Prop 1 and “NO” to taxpayer-funded late-term abortions.
Vote! Grab your vote-by-mail ballot or visit your polling place on November 8th and vote No on Prop 1.
Share on Social Media - Please follow and share our posts with your friends and social circles to help spread the word!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NoOnProp1CA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NOonProp1CA
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/noonprop1ca/
Volunteer with Phone Banking - We need loyal supporters to help us with phone banking, urging likely prolife voters to vote No on Prop 1. Volunteers will receive training, a script, and can make calls from the comfort of your own home. Every voter you call is 3x more likely to vote our way! Contact the campaign to get started.
Learn About Prop 1 - Visit our website for fact sheets and news, and sign up for campaign emails at: noproposition1.com.
Donate - Support the campaign to reach more people about this extreme measure.