A message from Bishop Michael C. Barber, SJ re COVID Status Update for Alameda County – Effective March 31, 2021 & Updated April 1
Parishes in Alameda County may now admit up to 50% of the church building’s official seating capacity; however, that must take into account the ability to maintain the existing six feet distancing rule. (The bishops of California are negotiating with the State to see if this can be adjusted to three feet, as for schools). Individuals must still follow current health orders and mandates. The 50% capacity includes clergy, altar servers, musicians, sound/video tech persons — anyone in the building.
Contra Costa County is set to stay in the red tier through at least the next two weeks. We will send an alert when Contra Costa County changes their tier.
Alameda County has further updated its guidelines regarding singing, chanting, and playing wind instruments in houses of worship. To reflect updated rules, we are issuing further guidelines to inform and clarify. Alameda County's orange tier restrictions regarding music and singing are as follows:
Outside - Cantors, small ensemble choirs, ministers - as well as congregants - can sing, but only with congregants wearing masks and maintaining a strictly enforced six feet of separation.
As our community continues to be vaccinated, and cases drop, we look forward to seeing the rules revised and hearing song return to the pews once again. For now, we urge all parishes to observe this safety protocol, and help keep us safe.
Things are looking up in the Bay Area, but, as we’ve seen before, progress can vanish quickly, not only from potentially more contagious vaccine-resistant variants, but also by letting down our guard vis-à-vis well-established safety protocols.
I am heartened by the hunger of our people to return to the celebration of the Eucharist, as witnessed on Ash Wednesday and Palm Sunday. Let us welcome them with open arms, while also ensuring their safety. I wish you all the choicest of blessings in this Holy Week and Easter.
With the assurance of my continued prayers and blessing, I am
Yours sincerely in Christ,
The Most Reverend Michael C. Barber, S.J.
Bishop of Oakland