Update for Pastors and Parochial Administrators re Communications Collections
Dear Pastors and Parochial Administrators,
The weekend of Oct. 2-3, all parishes are asked to take up a special collection for our diocesan communication efforts. Attached is a graphic which can be used in your bulletin, website, and social media to promote the collection. Please also consider the following text, which can be used as a pulpit announcement and a bulletin announcement.
Support Diocesan Communications Our diocese continues to improve its communication efforts. Our new The Catholic Voice is being delivered to 72,000 households, Bishop Barber is speaking directly to Catholics on social media through videos, and our website adds new content about the work of our diocese almost daily. Please support these efforts by giving generously to the diocesan communications special collection. You can donate using the in-pew envelopes or go online at oakdiocese.org/catholicvoiceoakland-give to give securely. Thank you for helping us spread the good news!
NOTE: Our printer was unable to supply envelopes for this collection. Please use a generic envelope.
Special instructions for parish bookkeepers/business manager:Please send the money received in this collection to the Chancery, as you do other diocesan collections. The parish will NOT be invoiced by The Catholic Voice for subscriptions. Bishop Barber has asked that all parishioners receive the magazine and is not billing the parishes for the subscriptions. Thank you, Bishop Barber!