The Church needs passionate and holy lay Catholics to evangelize the secular world. But for the most part, the Church has not adequately formed the laity toward this end, and many have become lukewarm and are drifting into complete mediocrity and indifference. The Church will never fully realize its calling without a devout and passionate laity, which is why Bishop Barber has brought the Lay Mission Project to the diocese of Oakland, and is offering it to ALL parishes!
The Lay Mission Project is a ministry committed to igniting the lay vocation. It offers formation and education to help lay Catholics fulfill their God-given mission, and helps lay Catholics learn what it means to evangelize the world.
Participants of the Lay Mission Project often report radical changes in their faith almost immediately. Where they used to be timid or unsure, they become confident and knowledgeable within weeks. Their prayer lives grow, and they feel part of a faith community that gives them a foundation for the evangelization of the rest of their lives. Bishop Barber wants this for all parishes in Oakland, and he encourages you to offer it in yours!
Bringing the Lay Mission Project to your parish isn’t complicated! In fact, you can get started in just four steps:
Spread the Word. Let your parish know that you’re offering a new and exciting – busy-person-friendly – spiritual and communal enrichment opportunity for them. In addition to the promotional resources below (bulletin ad, downloadable poster, and flyer), send an email to request print material and other additional tools to help you call people to this impactful formation.
Invite ideal candidates. Though the program can help any lay Catholic looking to deepen his or her faith, some groups will particularly benefit. Talk to your parish neophytes, parents, current or future council members and especially active adults to get them involved.
Host a Come & See(k) event at your parish. The Lay Mission Project will set up the event to get prospective participants up to speed about what the program is, why it’s important and why they should join. You just need to get your parishioners there. Schedule an event by emailing Sean Bryan.
Consider Joining, Too! This formation is meant to help even knowledgeable Catholics, so prayerfully consider joining yourself. You won’t regret it, and your participation will help the program get off to a great start. Apply Here.
We need on-fire lay Catholics to evangelize people and our culture in the diocese of Oakland. This is a great opportunity to create passionate and competent missionary disciples in your parish community. But there is limited time to bring the Lay Mission Project to your parish; don’t miss out on this important opportunity! The application deadline is 17 September.