"Thank you to the more than 6,000 generous donors, to our faithful pastors and everyone who worked hard to support the Bishop's Ministries Appeal. I can only thank you; your REAL reward comes from our generous God." - Bishop Michael C. Barber, SJ
The word “Catholic” means “universal,” and our faith cares for all our sisters and brothers regardless of the parish in which they worship. One should give to the Appeal because there are certain ministries and services that cannot be provided by a parish but only by a diocese. With your support, the diocese recruits, educates and forms seminarians, pays a pension and needed medical care for our retired clergy, supports a diaconate program and ethnic minorities. The diocese also supports schools and other parishes facing financial distress or an unexpected emergency. Some people may say that as long as we support our parish, we should not be concerned with the needs of other parishes, schools, recruitment, education and formation of our future clergy, and forming our youth and young adults in our faith beyond our own parish. Through the Bishop’s Ministries Appeal, the diocese is able to carry out these ministries and services which is only possible through the generosity of our parishioners.
Programs and Ministries Funded Through the Bishop's Ministries Appeal
Diocesan pastoral ministries and services focus on strengthening our faith, our families, and building up our parish communities by engaging people in the daily life of the Church as they strive to live as faithful disciples of Christ.
• Liturgy
• Respect Life Justice Programs
• Vietnamese, Filipino & Latino Ministries
• Ethnic Pastoral Centers
• Marriage & Family Life Ministries
• Marriage Preparation Programs
• Youth Retreat Center
• Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) Programs
• Catholic Scouting
• Young Adult Ministries
• Children & Youth Ministries
• Stewardship Education
Religious Education & Formation
Gifts to the Bishop's Ministries Appeal help support religious education and formation programs for thousands of youth and adults annually.
• Faith Formation Programs
• Evangelization & Outreach Efforts
• Right of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
• Religious Education Teachers’ Training
• Serra Catechetical Institute
• St. Francis de Sales School for Pastoral Ministry
Clergy Formation & Support
From initial formation into retirement, the Diocese provides support for our priests. Additionally, continued updating and renewal for priests and deacons who faithfully serve our people is supported by your gift to the Bishop’s Ministries Appeal.
• Permanent Diaconate Program
• Office of Vocations
• Seminarian Education & Formation
• Priest Retirement & Long-term Care
• Continuing Education Programs
Support for Catholic Schools & Parishes in Need
Each year, the Diocese provides subsidies and grants to assist with operating expenses at inner-city Catholic schools, and for parishes facing extraordinary and immediate financial challenges.
• Operating Subsidies
• Capital Expenditure Grants
• Emergency Funding Support
Assisting Local Parishes
Every parish has its own needs and plans for growth and new ministries to better serve their parishioners and the local community. The Bishop’s Appeal will again return 100% of all monies collected above each individual parish’s goal for use at the parish level.
Safe Environment Programs
Providing a safe haven for children, young adults and vulnerable adults.
Diocese of Oakland applies donations towards the service, ministry, or campaign specified by the donor. Funds are never redirected to any other purpose. Diocese of Oakland will not sell, share, or trade our donors' names or personal information with any other entity, nor send mailings to our donors on behalf of other organizations. This policy applies to all information received by the Diocese of Oakland, both online and offline, as well as any electronic, written, or oral communications. To the extent any donations are processed through a third-party service provider, our donors' information will only be used for purposes necessary to process the donation.
Dios amoroso y misericordioso, somos tu familia - hermanos y hermanas encomendados con la misión de tu Iglesia en la Diócesis de Oakland.
Gracias por el precioso don de Tu Santísima Eucaristía. Gracias por transformarnos con la Eucaristía y por llenarnos con tu Amor Divino para que podamos ayudar a llevar Tu Presencia a nuestras familias, amigos, vecindarios y al mundo.
Que nuestra Santísima Madre, Reina del Mundo y patrona de nuestra Diócesis, nos conduzca hacia Ti y camine con nosotros en nuestros desafíos y luchas. Que nuestro trabajo, a través de la Campaña de los Ministerios del Obispo, te agrade y ayude a brindar tu misericordia y cuidado a todos a quienes servimos.
Loving and merciful God, we are your
family, brothers and sisters entrusted with
the mission of your Church in the Diocese
of Oakland.
Thank you for the precious gift of Your
Most Holy Eucharist. Thank you for
transforming us by it, and for filling us
with your Divine Love so we can help bring
Your Presence to our families, friends,
neighborhoods, and the world.
May our Blessed Mother, Queen of the World
and patroness of our Diocese, lead us to
You and walk with us in our challenges and
struggles. May our work, through the
Bishop’s Ministries Appeal, bring You joy
and bring Your gentle mercy and care to
all we serve.
All gifts to the Bishop's Ministries Appeal go to those purposes listed above.
Gifts to the Bishop's Ministries Appeal, as well as other gifts received for specific purposes, are held in trust by RCBO and can only be used for their intended purpose.